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"Sometimes we live in a world where people forget the journey. I don't ever want to forget the journey. I think you’re only truly successful when you can help other people achieve their dreams and that's probably what drives me more than anything else"


Tevin is a big advocate for the power of self-belief but is equally passionate about the importance of supporting others. It was a few months after graduating from university in 2000, that Tevin launched his first business. Although he initially got turned down for a business grant from the Princess Trust and struggled to garner interest, he managed to make it a success thanks to his very first customer believing in him enough to risk paying a lump sum in advance so he could buy the materials. Since then, Tevin has proudly never worked for anyone but himself and has never looked back. It is on reflection that Tevin believes education was a gateway that enabled him to now successfully own one of the UK’s leading independently owned food logistics companies in the UK, hence why The Tobun Foundation was established.


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The Tobun Foundation

The Foundation supports causes that help disadvantaged young people by offering them the tools, advice and mentoring, to break through the barriers created by circumstance.


In 2020, The Foundation launched an Education Support Programme that’s committed to supporting 250,000 young people providing laptops and subsidised maths, English and Science tuition classes to students  adversely affected by the enforced lockdowns, which intensified the attainment gap.


GV Scholarship Programme

The combined lack of support and financial barriers caused by rising tuition fees, mean that the thought of university for many young people remains just that – a thought.


“I feel that every individual must play their part in helping the next generation, this is just one of the ways I am able to do this.”


As a result, in 2015 Tevin established the GV Scholarship Programme, providing underprivileged and disadvantaged young people with scholarships and career development support to reach their desired goals.

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Chair - Inspirational You

In 2011, Tevin Tobun was appointed the chair of 'Inspirational You', a London-based social enterprise that motivates and empowers young people to become successful leaders.


As Chair, he has overseen the coordination of over 50 enterprise workshop and forum events in the last 10 years, reaching over 10,000 people providing mentoring, business forums and workshops.

Board Member - Middlesex University

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As a member of the board since 2016, Tevin played a pivotal role in developing the University’s strategic vision. With 60% of the university coming from ethnic minority backgrounds, Tevin worked closely with fellow board members to develop tailored programmes to support those who may face barriers to educational success.

Along with other members, he encouraged the university to set up a buddy system to support new students throughout their first year, helping in particular the inclusion and retention of international students.

He regularly contributed to university workshops and events supporting students with employment opportunities.

Council Member - Open University

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Tevin is a Council member at The Open University (OU). He is part of the team responsible for overseeing the university’s activities, determining its future direction, and ensuring the university’s strategic vision is delivered.


Throughout his career, Tevin has worked closely with organisations to develop tailored programmes to support those who may face barriers to educational success. In his various roles, he has regularly contributed to university workshops and events, focusing on employment opportunity for students.


The Open University is home to the largest population of students in the UK and has a significant global reach through its alumni in 157 countries, international partnerships and research activity.

© 2023 by Tevin Tobun

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